Wednesday, October 26, 2011

8.Eating Healthy Foods?

8.Eating Healthy Foods? 
Many people forget the nutritional value of foods in meal planning. After all, it's much easier to stop only at your favorite fast food on the way back to work.

         Everyone knows that they should eat healthier foods, but some people are not quite sure where to start. Here are some things to look for when trying to plan healthier meals.

Are you eating lots of fruits and vegetables? Most of us do not eat sufficient quantities to stay healthy. Experts recommend that people eat 5 to 9 servings every day. This adds up to about 2 cups of fruit and 2 1 / 2 cups of vegetables. Choose a variety of vegetables and fruits in different colors. Dark green vegetables like spinach, for example, contain more than nutritients colored vegetables.

Are you eating grains and cereals? In addition, well-known benefits of dietary fiber, grains and cereals provide many important nutrients for health. Wholegrain breads and cereals are preferred over refined white bread and rice.

     Are you eating a wide variety of foods? They say variety is the spice of life. In fact, the basis of a healthy diet. Our body needs foods from all groups to operate at full capacity. These food groups consist of grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, beans, meat and nuts. Sorry ... candy is not a food group.

  Eat breakfast every day? Yes, it's true: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eat a good breakfast will give you the energy needed to make it through the morning and helps to eliminate the high-fat splurges.

   Drink plenty of water? Soda and coffee may be liquid, but not replace the water that your body needs. We need at least 16 ounces of water a day to keep ourselves hydrated and flush impurities that may have accumulated in our digestive system.

   The amount of fat you eat? Dietary fat is our enemy. While our body needs a certain amount of fat, most people consume 200 to 300 per cent more than necessary. It's a scary thought! So when you make your food choices, read the labels to see the amount of fat contained in food. Vegetables and fruits are naturally low in fat than meat.

How much salt, sugar and alcohol, do you eat? Again, moderation is key. Serious problems can occur when you overdo. Salt can cause fluid retention, weight gain and heart problems. Sweet, when can be consumed in large quantities over a long period contributes to diabetes. And excessive consumption of alcohol is bad for the kidneys.

Your body will tell you, when you can not (or if you get too much), and a certain type of food. If you're gaining weight, you know that you are eating or portions that are too large, or eating foods high in fat. Fatigue can mean that you do not get the nutrients necessary to feed your body to work.

Eating healthy foods is not as difficult as it sounds. In a nutshell: drink more water, eat less fat and sugar, and eat more fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

7.Top 3 Ways To Eat More Green Vegetables

Top 3 Ways To Eat More Green Vegetables
An essential component of any healthy diet is to eat enough vegetables. However, 95% of people who follow a health plan, not eating enough green leafy vegetables.

I admit, I often find it difficult (or even lack the desire) to eat my greens. There are days when I do not eat enough. I know greens are good. I need to eat more green, but I just can not do it.

And then I found a fun way to get more green in my diet. Here are my Top 3 ways to get more green in your diet.

1. Green Tea Smoothies

Green smoothies are great and my favorite way to consume a large amount of green vegetables! When I heard about green smoothies was a little skeptical about fruits and vegetables and the mixture was surprised by the result.

Here are some recipes from my ebook Smoothies for optimal health.

Roman Berry Smoothie

1 cup strawberries

2 bananas all

1 / 2 bunch of Romain

1 / 2 1 cup water
Mix fruit and water. Add the romaine lettuce. Enjoy.

Being a Green Smoothie

2 cups fresh spinach

1 cucumber, whole or shredded carrots

2 bananas all

1 whole orange

3 whole apples, juice

In blender, whirl all ingredients together until thick and smooth.

2. Make a salad Blended

Once you have become accustomed to the taste of vegetables in your smoothies, you can put to mixed salads. You can change gradually decreasing the amount of fruit in your smoothie and increase the amount of green vegetables. Gazpacho is a form of mixed salad. Here's one of my favorite recipes (although I must admit it took me a while to get used to the taste and texture to mixed salads).
Mixed salad

2 medium tomatoes, coarsely chopped

2 celery ribs

4 lettuce leaves (large)

1 large handful of spinach

1 green onion

1 / 2 avocado

1 / 4 cup parsley

2 tbsp. dulse flakes

C. 1 soup. Nori flakes (optional)

Water if necessary

Stir in tomatoes and add remaining ingredients gradually. The use of water only if necessary. A salad should be thick enough.

3. Find a good healthy salad dressing

A funny thing happened once I started to eat more green in my diet. I started to hate some of my favorite "healthy" links. My taste buds reeling from the taste of olive oil. So I have compiled a collection of healthy condiments in my ebook, "Top 70 healthy salad dressings may be less than 2 minutes"

Here is the recipe to get started.

2 tomatoes or cucumbers

2 c. soup. The apple cider vinegar or lemon juice

1 cup fresh dill

1 small avocado

Mix the tomatoes and add the other ingredients gradually. Blend until smoothie. Add more seasonings if desired. Consumes more water if necessary.

We know greens are good for us, and we should all strive to get more vegetables in our diet, but do not force yourself to eat more green vegetables, if you do not like them! You get sick easily. Instead, let your innate hunger for greens come naturally, by slowly incorporating more greens into your diet in the form of green smoothies, salads, etc. You will find that your power begins to be cleaner, you will naturally want more green vegetables and raw foods.

6.What On Earth Is Saturated Fat?

What On Earth Is Saturated Fat?
Most of us have heard the term saturated fat all our lives without understanding it. How can fat be "saturated?" Does that mean it is all wet? And that unsaturated fatty dry and if so, of polyunsaturated fat is dry in more ways?

Let's do it now. It's a shame to go through life ignoring the facts that could prevent a heart attack or cancer.

Fats in general
Fat molecules are chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms along the sides of the centipede legs. (Remember this. And 'the only chemical you are here.)

Fat is also one of four "energy nutrients" with carbohydrates, protein and alcohol. Energy nutrients provide calories, which the brain power (25 watts in most of us) and muscles (in watts if you're Lance Armstrong), so you can solve quadratic equations and the wax from the Pathfinder.

Fat is a great way to store energy. One gram of fat (about a quarter teaspoon) contains nine calories, compared to only four calories per gram of protein or carbohydrate. (Alcohol contains seven calories per gram, which means it is an excellent source of energy if you can live with effectsh Shide.)

Yes, some fats are bad for you. We'll get there.

Saturated fat

Every time a fat molecule has all the hydrogen atoms that can accept, which is said to be "saturated." Think of it as the millipede bring 50 pairs of shoes.

Most saturated fats are solid at room temperature. (There goes my theory of "wet" - saturated fats really feel dry.) They also have a tendency to come from foods of animal origin: Jims butter, meat, eggs, milk and Slim.

Because saturated fats raise blood cholesterol levels and contribute to heart disease and stroke, most experts recommend not to receive more than 10 percent of your calories from fat. Power supply weight and nutrition coaching software enables your personal daily allowance (PDA) of saturated fat at that level, but you can remove it if you think of having a stroke might be fun.

Saturated fats have also been implicated in some cancers, including breast cancer.

Polyunsaturated fatty

Polyunsaturated fat, millipedes has at least two pairs of shoes are missing, and sometimes much more. Most of the polyunsaturated fatty acids are liquid at room temperature. Most also come from vegetables. You know they are corn oil, peanut oil, and Pam.

Because polyunsaturated fatty acids are fairly neutral effect on blood cholesterol, saturated fats are much better. Not without problems, though. We explain that the minute.

Monounsaturated fats

In monounsaturated fat, the centipede is missing exactly one pair of shoes. (They are under the sofa, somewhere, for sure.) This is a special state that gives the properties of the fat seems wonderfully beneficial, otherwise, had also heard of the television ads touting the benefits of di triunsaturated-or fat.

The best known of monounsaturated fat is olive oil, but the power of the power of the Diet Foods feature the richest sources of oleic safflower oil, and macadamiapähkinöitä. (Most nuts are rich in monounsaturated fat).

Although many people think that all fats are bad, monounsaturated may actually protect against heart disease and stroke by reducing blood cholesterol. So long as the total fat content is too high, the majority of monounsaturated fat, which is better. (Do not take this to the end, however. You never know what the new research could be in a few years.)

In general, the American Heart Association ( recommends taking no more than 30-35 percent of their calories from fat and no more than 10 percent of the saturated variety.
Trans Fat

This is the attack of polyunsaturated fats.

Trans fats occur when food manufacturers turn vegetable oils in margarine, Crisco, and other products from their hydrogenation, in effect, set the shoes so fat millipedes, fixed (or at least sticky) at room temperature. This is to make butter and lard substitutes that do not clog arteries.

In recent years, however, the researchers found that trans fats can scribble your pipes just as bad as the Moo Goo done. Initially the evidence was weak and caused a heated debate, especially on the nights of poker among the guys in Land O Lakes, and I can not believe it's not butter. But today, it is clear that people must use butter and margarine sparingly. Or better yet, dip the bread in a saucer of olive oil.

In conclusion

Keep fat intake low. (Power History nutritious diet is a very good result here.)

Get off the fat from plants, not animals.

Try to avoid foods with hydrogenated on the label.

Learn how the olive oil and nuts, but do not overdo it.

5.Free Weight Loss Program

Free Weight Loss Program

Weight loss program
The majority of us start a diet, they go into it with the belief that they must keep fat intake down to a minimum, we have been led to believe fat equals extra weight, well yes but only to a certain extent.

We have been told to fill up on plenty of complexed carbs, choosing low fat high carbohydrate foods. There are certain setbacks with this attitude, one of these would be the fact that your body can and will convert carbohydrates into fat .

Carbohydrate Metabolism

When you eat carbs, you body goes to work breaking them down, converting them into glucose, glucose is a sugar molecule that is converted into energy within the cells of your body by insulin. The problem here is that after a meal based largely around carbohydrates, you will have a a lot of unused glucose in your system. This can be harmful to you over time so your body deals with it moving the glucose out of the blood and into the cells for energy, the extra glucose that doesnt get used or infact isnt needed then goes through the process of being converted.

The main thing with glucose is you only need a minimal glucose present in the blood at any one time. You already have your own self sufficient store of glucose which your body is continually manufacturing and replenishing which it stores in the muscles, brain and liver, its called glycogen.

So what happens with the excess glucose? It is converted into fat and stored for use at a later date and with our modern lifestyle food is everywhere, it never gets used. We eat another high carb meal and so more of it gets converted.

Fat metabolism.

In order to use up this excess fat reserve, we need to cut back on the carbs quite considerably to allow our body to use its fat stores, it does this with a system know as fat metabolism, in order for this to happen there must firstly be an absense of carbohydrate. If you think this sounds crazy stop and think back to a time in mans existence when cakes, bread and pasta didnt exist, our main food intake was protein with maybe a few fruits berries or nuts if they were available. So you see, our bodies can and do work quite adequately without the presence of carbs.


4.Decisive Weight Loss

Decisive Weight Loss
Making a decision is a powerful process to achieve something. By not making a firm decision, you're just floating on the edges of any goal you want to achieve. Too many people who want to lose weight in a way he approaches undecided. They can say things like:

Should I try to lose weight

I'm trying to cut the bad food,

Maybe I should start exercising,

I could not join a gym,

Maybe try a new diet

I'll start a couple of weeks,
None of the above decisions are just fleeting thoughts, intentions, or at best weak, and frankly, it takes you nowhere. Take a final decision can be very powerful, because you make a commitment. Try this for yourself:
Tell yourself "I think I should lose weight and watch what happens in your mind. You may find that other thoughts are on what you said. These thoughts may go in the direction of:
It would be too hard

I have no time now

I have always failed in the past

I do not think I have the willpower,

I can not be bothered at the moment
When these ideas are grouped, you can eliminate the idea of ​​losing weight like a hot potato, even if you can keep the back of some of the blame for giving up so easily.

Now you say "I will lose weight and to say with force and conviction. Now, what note in your mind? You can find that in this way makes the idea of ​​being stronger. The negative thoughts that once seemed the weakest, are probably still there, but it seems more distant. This happens because when you make a decision, it gives a direct order from your mind and your mind has a firm instruction to follow instead of a vague thought or desire through the heart.
The next step is to write out 2 plans, plan A which is based on a decision that you will lose weight, and plan B which is based on a decision not to lose weight. You need to write out what each plan will offer you. Write out your own plans based on the example below.

Plan A

More Energy ,
Improved Health,
Higher Self Confidence,
Higher Self Esteem,
Feel and Look More Attractive,
Feel Happier about Yourself,

Plan B

Less Energy
Increasing Health Problems
Low Self Confidence
Low Self Esteem
Poorer Self Image
Feelings of Anxiety or Depression

Make your lists as long as possible and then imagine were you will be in 1, 3, and 5 year’s time with whichever plan that you decide to follow. Picture how you will look and feel in the future with whatever plan you choose.

Keep in mind that both plans are progressive, meaning that both plans will evolve and not stand still. Follow plan A and the benefits will increase. You’ll become more energetic, your health will continue to improve, your self confidence and self esteem will snowball. The fact is that the more you do of something, the better you will get at it and the easier it will become.

If you follow plan B you will not be in the same position that you are in now. Plan B will also evolve, your energy will continue to decrease, your health will get worse and you often find that one health problem leads to another and another. Your self confidence and self esteem will continue to drop.

At this point you have the choice as to which plan you will decide to follow. I’ve got no right to tell you which plan you should follow, that is your decision and nobody else’s. It’s all about what you really want for yourself. If you decide to go with plan B then there is not much more for you to do apart from stop reading. If you decide to go with plan A then you have already taken a major step towards losing weight just by making that decision.

Nothing ever gets done without some sort of decision first, the world is run on decisions, decisions lead to action, and it’s only by acting on something that we can achieve it.

Once you have made your decision, decide what actions you are going to take to reach your goal. Find out what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. Write out your plan and start following it; decide that you are committed to finishing what you have started. Don’t just sit and think about it, make your decision and be happy about it.

3.Glyconutrients And Their Role In Health

Glyconutrients And Their Role In Health
The body needs several types of substances such as sugar and the job properly. One group was given the name of glyconutrients. This term is not used in science books. The term is an invention of a supplement company, Mannatech, but the substances included in this group all have specific functions in the human body as described in the literature.

The body has the ability to do all the glyconutrients, but argues that this production has a tendency to be too slow, so the body can be too much to say, if you do not come through the diet. These statements have not been definitively proven scientifically. However, many people report health benefits after glyconutrients supplement.

Glucose is the sugar most gyconutrient central rate. Glucose is used as an energy source, and is used to produce other important substances, like the other glyconutrients. Glucose should be provided in a way that allows it to be absorbed uniformly throughout the day. This absorption is guaranteed, even when eating foods that slowly release glucose during digestion. Such food is said to have a low glycemic index. Examples of these types of foods are beans, peas, whole kernel corn or bread, and to a lesser extent potatoes and fresh fruit in its natural state. Many of these foods contain starch, which gradually becomes free glucose during digestion.
The blacks enough glucose, but at some popular diets can lead to shortages.

Many other glyconutrients are used as a tool in the body. The body can not produce these from glucose, but production can be so slow that you can have poor, if these drugs are not supplied in the diet. These glyconutrients are: mannose, xylose, fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetyl N-acetylneuraminic acid.

Glyconutrients to work together as a group in many important body functions:

- These utilities are used to regulate tissue growth, organ development and maturation of organs and regular repair and regeneration after injury and illness.

- They are used in instruments for the nervous system and sensory organs, such as the retina of the eye.

- I'm used to the tools of the immune system, in particular, to regulate the functions of the immune system and the recognition of foreign elements will be destroyed.

- Important elements of intracellular structures, especially in cartilage, tendons and connective tissue. N-glucosamine is the main structural glyconutrient.

- They tend to hinder micro-organisms adhere to the structures of the body and help the body eliminate bacteria, fungi or viruses. Mannose and xylose are the most important of glyconutrients for this function.

Since all the glyconutrients tend to participate in many processes, none of them offers a wide range of problems.

The lack of glyconutrients will be a person generally more susceptible to any disease, it is difficult to fight disease and make it difficult to recover once the disease is more. A person will also be easier glyconutrinent physically injured, and are struggling to repair the damage.
The lack of Glyconutrirnt believed to cause or aggravate illnesses such as infections, rheumatic diseases, allergies and asthma, heart disease, stroke and cancer has failed.

A diet containing adequate or glyconutrients glyconutrients supplements may help prevent or overcome the disease from the list. Provide sufficient glyconutrient can also increase resistance to disease and general welfare

Glyconutrients way to include fruits and vegetables in the daily diet, and vary in different types. Good sources are: aloe vera, ground hay greek, black or red currants, gooseberries, green beans, cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, turnips, shiitake mushrooms and algae. Shark cartilage and bovine cartilage are good sources of gyconutrients, but these sources are probably the most widely consumed as an ingredient in herbal cosmetics.

Market, you will also find special bonuses, which embodies gyconutrienst may become too low, the daily diet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

2.Papaya - Healthy Food

Papaya - Healthy Food
Papaya - Health

Paw Paw or Papaya is native to tropical America, but is now cultivated in most areas of tropical and subtropical world. The large pear shaped fruits grow to 8 inches in length approx. Some varieties remain green when ripe, but most turn deep yellow and orange. Papaya is the flesh of salmon pink, with an abundance of gray-black seeds in the central cavity that is edible. The soft, sweet juicy flesh tastes like a cross between melon and peaches.

The goodness of papaya

Papayas are rich in vitamin A and calcium and contain large amounts of the enzyme papain, which breaks down protein and can be used to tenderize the meat. Papain also helps the fruit easy to digest.

How to Buy

Choose uniformly yellow fruit. Sniff them should be delicate perfume. Do not buy papayas with dry or damaged skin, as they bruise easily. If fruits are not ripe, check the skin around the end of the rod, it should be yellow, otherwise the papaya will never mature. Ripe papaya should be eaten immediately. The fruits are not mature enough should not be left at room temperature until soft and yellow.

How To Cook

Simply cut the papaya in half and remove seeds from the cavity. You can eat the seeds (which have a spicy taste), but are not particularly pleasant. Squeeze some lime or lemon juice over the meat before serving. Papayas can be used in the same way as melons, served alone with a touch of lemon and sprinkled with ginger and served with meat. Meat cubes can be added to fruit salads, ice cream and drinks made with fruit or served with yogurt. The papaya is perfect with finely chopped peppers in sweet sauce. The skin can be used to soften the cheaper cuts of meat. Papain, however, prevents gelatin from setting, so do not try to make a fresh fruit gel or foam blowing cold papaya. Unripened papaya can be used in salads, fruit is still hard is ideal for sauces and jams.

Medicinal Benefits

1. The consumption of ripe fruit is good for treating ringworm, green fruits treat high blood pressure and is used as an aphrodisiac.

2. The fruit can be directly applied topically to skin wounds.

3. The seeds are anti-inflammatory and pain and are treated with abdominal pain, and fungal infections.

4. The leaves are used as a heart tonic, analgesic and to treat stomach aches.

5. The roots are used as an analgesic.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Nutrition Guidelines Easiest Ever

Nutrition Guidelines Easiest Ever 

The guidelines never easier Nutrition

1) Eat your goals,

If you need to eat to lose weight under your calorie needs. Up to 30% discount.

If you need to eat to gain weight, then the above. Increase by 15%, if necessary.

2) Eat your browser at least 30% of all nutrients in a day (protein / carbs / fats). The other 10% is to do what they want with it.

3) Eat the right foods-this is the following.

And complete lean protein (chicken, turkey, egg whites, whey)

Carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables should form the bulk of your diet and be paired with each meal.

Fats-Poly/mono Balance high-fat (fish oil, nuts, olive oil), low saturated fat

4) Eat often eat 4-6 meals a day.

Each meal should contain a complete protein.

Each meal should contain a carbohydrate source or the fruit / vegetables.

5) Eat a goods-85% of the ingredients of your meal should be one of the ingredients.

An apple is an apple ingredients. An egg is an egg. You can easily mix and match elements of ingredients, but outside of your goods 85% of the time should be as an ingredient items.

6) Drink water-1 / 2 to 1 gallon per day for women who exercise, 1 to 1 1 / 2 liters for men who exercise.

That's it. If the value of what you will get results, period.